Arriving Alive: Prom Night Safety for Teen Drivers
The prom is one of the biggest nights in a teenager's life but the event can become tragic if you don't drive safely. Night driving is an extra challenge of its own and a party with friends can cause distractions to a driver but you will have no problems if you follow these five tips.
1. Everyone Wears Seat Belts While an accident is the last thing that you want to happen during prom night it is always best to be prepared. If everyone is wearing a seat belt then you will greatly reduce the risk of someone getting injured should a collision occur.
2. Limit Distractions A distracted driver is far more likely to get into an accident than someone completely focused on the road. The best way to limit distractions while driving on prom night is by limiting the number of people you let ride in your car.
3. No Drinking and Driving Even if others tempt you to consume alcohol on prom night you should never drink and drive. Not only is drinking illegal for teenagers but it will also drastically reduce your reaction time when you are behind the wheel.
4. Don't Stay Out Too Late Driving while extremely tired has almost the same effect as driving while intoxicated. Every teenager wants to get the party going all nigh but there is no need to get back on the road after 2 a.m. You should either be done for the night or at your final location by this time to avoid getting into an accident.
5. Get a Limo The best possible option for arriving alive on prom night may be hiring a limo service. Not only will this allow you to spend the entire time with your friends but you will also eliminate all of the dangers of driving on prom night. It may require saving some money but a limo will allow you to party on prom night while still staying safe. You will be envied by every other kid at school when they see you pull up in a limo.