Massachusetts Driving Laws for the New Year
Cell Phone & Text Messaging Bans
The State of Massachusetts passed new laws prohibiting drivers from texting while driving. The ban went into effect on October 1, 2010 and also prohibits the use of cell phones for any driver under the age of 18. The current laws prohibit the following:
Text messaging or any Internet related activity is prohibited for all drivers. A first offense will result in a fine of $100, second offense $250 and a third or subsequent offense will be $500.
All drivers under the age of 18 are prohibited from using a cell phone or any other type of mobile device while operating a motor vehicle. The penalties are $100 fine along with a 60-day license suspension for the first offense, $250 fine along with a 6-month license suspension for the second offense and $500 fine along with a 12-month license suspension for the third or subsequent offense.
All school bus and public transit drivers are prohibited from using a cell phone while operating their vehicle and violators will be fined $500.
Massachusetts Trying to Ban Cells Phones in School Zones
Senator Mark Montigny and Representative Denise Provost introduced legislation into their respective houses seeking to prohibit drivers from using a cell phone in any school zone. A non-profit organization called Safe Roads Alliance helped draft the bills in an effort to promote safer driving. According to recent data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death for young people age 16 to 24. If the legislature approves the bills, anyone using a cell phone in an emergency would be exempt from the penalties.
Consult a Massachusetts Attorney For Advice
Any driver who has been issued a citation or has had their driver's license revoked should contact a lawyer immediately. Traffic attorneys are often successful in getting fines reduced and they can help get your driving privileges reinstated. Consult a legal professional if you have been cited for an auto accident or issued a speeding ticket. They will go to court and fight to get the charges dismissed.