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Aggressive Driving

Aggressive driving is a traffic offense or combination of offenses, which should be avoided. Following too closely, failing to signal, honking more than necessary, distracted driving and/or speeding can be offensives that can characterize an aggressive driver. Often, an aggressive driver is trying to get to a location faster and in the process puts themselves and others at risk. 

Angle Parking

Angle Parking is a term used to describe parking spaces that are arranged at an angle. Typically, this arrangement is used to create more parking spaces. 

Antilock Braking System (ABS)

Modern vehicles are equipped with antilock braking systems, which allow the vehicle to still be steered safely while braking hard. 

Blood Alcohol Content or Blood Alcohol Concentration

Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) is a measure of how much alcohol is in a person’s bloodstream. To detect and measure a person’s blood alcohol content, the person must submit to a breath, blood or urine test. Each state and jurisdiction will dictate the required types of measurement tests. Ensure you know your state’s laws in regards to BAC driving minimums and test procedures. 

Controlled Intersection

A controlled intersection is an intersection that has traffic control signals or signs. A driver must obey the designated traffic signals and signals at this intersection. 

Covering the Brake

Covering the brake occurs when you take your right foot off the accelerator and you hover it over the brake pedal. This is a technique that helps the driver achieve a smoother transition from acceleration to braking. It is especially effective for slowing during traffic or instances when the driver must slow down and stop frequently.  

Double Parking

Double parking occurs when a driver parks illegally next to a correctly parked vehicle. Double parking is illegal as it prevents drivers from leaving their parking spaces and it can stall traffic flow. 

Defensive Driving

Defensive driving is an important skill that all drivers should practice and develop. When driving defensively, a driver actively employs tactics to help him avoid possible collisions with drunk drivers, bad drivers and other unsafe road conditions.  

Driving Under the Influence (DUI)

Driving Under the Influence (DUI) or Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) are the most common and official terms used to describe drunk driving or driving while under the influence of ability impairing drugs. A person commits a DUI or DWI if he or she operates a vehicle while intoxicated. 

Escape Route

An “escape” route is any backup route that a driver uses to avoid, prevent or take in the event of an emergency or dangerous road situation. The “escape” route is to help you avoid injury and/or property damage. It is good practice for defensive drivers to learn and follow escape routes.