What to do if you have a suspended license and are moving out of state
Taking Care of a Suspended License When Moving Out of State When you move to a new state, it is mandatory that you surrender your old license before applying for a license in that new state. However, what should you do if your license is suspended? What steps should you take to ensure that you can get a license in your new home state?
Talk to the DMV in the State Where the License is Suspended
The first thing that you need to do is talk to the DMV in the state where your license is suspended. Many states have laws that require you to stop driving and/or turn in your plates when your license is suspended. Even if you are allowed to drive to work or school, you still may not be able to drive to another state.
Follow State Guidelines for Reinstatement
Typically, you must follow the guidelines of the state where your license was suspended before you can apply for a license in a new state. Getting your license reinstated could be as simple as paying an outstanding parking ticket or showing proof of insurance following a traffic stop or an accident.
You Won't Be Allowed to Register Your Car
Drivers won't be allowed to register their car or get insurance in their new state if they have a suspended license in another state. It is important to understand that drivers must be insured by a provider located in their new state of residence. This means that drivers who drive on a suspended license could face charges of driving without insurance if they are caught driving illegally. There is a lot at stake if you drive with a suspended license. Even if you move to another state, you won't be able to get your license back until you resolve the issue in your former state. Therefore, make sure that you take care of your license as part of any pre-move planning on your part.