CDL X Endorsement (Tanker/HAZMAT Combo) Practice Test
The tanker/HAZMAT combo endorsement is one of the trickiest to earn—so give yourself a head start with this FREE online practice test that helps you learn quickly and efficiently. The CDL X endorsement combines two vehicle and cargo types that require a lot of safety and responsibility: tanker vehicles and hazardous materials (HAZMAT). As such, it’s absolutely critical that you become an expert in both of these areas so that you gain the knowledge and skills to safely operate your commercial vehicle.
With our free online X endorsement practice test, you’ll get 25 multiple-choice questions that replicate the format of your actual HAZMAT/tanker combo endorsement exam. The information you’re studying includes the most accurate and up-to-date regulations pulled directly from the FMCSA’s latest laws, with real-time feedback on your progress and detailed explanations with each answer. You can further target your studying by reviewing any questions you missed at the end, so you know which topics need more attention before you attempt your DMV CDL X endorsement exam. Retake this free CDL tanker/HAZMAT practice test as many times as you need to feel fully confident earning your passenger endorsement on the first try.
CDL Tanker and HAZMAT Combo Practice Test FAQs:
How do I get an X endorsement in my state?
To get a combo tanker and HAZMAT endorsement on your CDL, you’ll first need to pass the general CDL knowledge exam. Then you must pass the X endorsement exam, which includes both the tanker endorsement and HAZMAT endorsement tests.
What is a CDL X endorsement? Who needs to get an X endorsement?
A CDL X endorsement combines two endorsements into one—that for tanker vehicles and HAZMAT cargo. If you’ll be driving tankers that carry hazardous materials, you’ll need a tanker and HAZMAT combo X endorsement.
What should I expect on my X endorsement CDL test?
You’ll be tested on topics pertaining to the safe operation of tanker vehicles carrying liquid or gaseous cargo, as well as the specifics of carrying hazardous materials. Questions should include emergency procedures, on- and offloading cargo safely, types of HAZMAT you can legally carry, how to share the road in a tanker truck, and more.