Insurance Form
Cheaper Car Insurance Made Easy
Every car insurance company will tell you they'll save you the most money and there is only one way to be sure, by checking yourself! We've made it easy. Pick the type of vehicle you'd like to insure and then enter your zip code. Our search will then return the top insurance providers in your area. Check each one out and find the lowest rate. Good luck saving!
Compare Apples to Apples
When comparing car insurance rates from different companies make sure you have the limits set the same. A small change to the liability limits can mean a big jump in costs. Some insurance agents might try to slip by lower coverage as cost savings, when in reality you'd get that same savings anywhere just by changing your coverage limits. This is why it's always best to take the time and build your own quote online, it's the only way you can be sure you're comparing apples to apples.
15-Minutes or 7-Minutes Does it really matter?
No!, if you want to get the best rates on car insurance you have to shop around. Sure the first quote you get may be lower than what you're currently paying but trust me it might not be the lowest. Take your time and check at least 3 providers in your area. You already have all the documents and information together so take your time and search around. It's easier to do this now while everything is in front of you. If you find them all to be very similar then pcik the one with the best payment option for you. Some Insurance companies will offer discounts if you pay 6 months or even 12 months in advance, so pick the plan that works best for you! Remember, you're note stuck with the insurance company if you pay 6 or 12 months in adanve. They will prorate and return your money if you find a better rate elsewhere and decide to cancel and switch to another company.
Teen Driver? Or Just Off Your Parents Insurance?
You stand the most to gain from shopping around. When I was just getting insurance for the first time I figured it would be best to stick with the company that had insured me and my parents for years. I don't know if it was the years of my driving record they had observed or maybe they just hated young male drivers, either way the quote they gave me almost made me puke.....$1371.51 per month!....or $16,458 per year. This is a quote for a young male driver with a performance car and no DUI's. I was left utterly speechless on the phone with the insurance agent. After a few minutes of panic I realize there are other option - there has to be! So I started calling around and settled on the next quote I got. Which was a much more reasonable $323 per month? I quickly signed up and started paying monthly. A few months after having insurance I was talking to friends who were much like myself - a performance car, and no DUIs. A few of them told me they were paying as little as HALF of what I was paying! This is when I realized that that you have to shop around. I quickly called the same company my friend was using and saved myself over $1800 a year! Not all drivers will find the same discounts but for younger drivers, especially those on their own, shopping around for car insurance is time well spent.